Dr. Jay Wrigley - https://twitter.com/KetoDocCLT
Dr. Michael Eades M.D. - https://twitter.com/DrEades
Dr. Tro Kalayjian - u/DoctorTro - https://twitter.com/DoctorTro
Dr. Anthony G Jay - https://twitter.com/anthonygjay
Carnivore diet has become my Go To Elimination Diet in my practice. But it has become a trap. Once on #CarnivoreDiet for 30 days, you don’t want to go back to the old inflammatory dietary ways. https://t.co/x76Jr5BYLl
— The Real Dr. Steven Horvitz (@IMWHorvitz) March 23, 2019
Only a few days left until the first ever carnivore conference organized by Amber O'Hearn in Boulder. It is an honor to be part of it. Our presentation will address intestinal permeability, it's measurement, relation with autoimmune diseases and cancer. pic.twitter.com/dodlhj3pwy
— Clemens Zsófia, PhD (@ClemensZsofia) March 2, 2019
Dr. Gary Fettke - https://twitter.com/FructoseNo
Hi, my name is Paul Mabry. I’m a retired Family Medicine doctor born in 1950 so I’ve seen a lot of things in my life. The Reader’s Digest biography is that I was born inTexas farming country outside Houston, moved to a top notch School District when I was 12, Joined the Navy when I was 19 and was trained as a Russian Linguist, spent 3 years in Japan flying on EC-121s/P3’s and crewing submarines to intercept communications along the Russian coast, worked at the Manned Spacecraft Center in Houston for 2 years to support the Joint Space Mission with the Russians called “Apollo-Soyuz”, went back to college winding up with 3 degrees (BA in Spanish Literature, BS in Biology and a BS in Medical Technology). I then completed Medical School rejoined the Navy and did my Internship at Bethesda Naval Hospital. After 9 years as a doctor in the Navy including a deployment to a field hospital in the Saudi Desert during the First Gulf War I returned to civilian practice to give my autistic daughter more stability and completed a Family Medicine Residency at St. Clare’s Hospital in Schenectady, NY. In 2001 I joined the New York Army National Guard and did 2 deployments to Iraq, 1 deployment to Afghanistan (almost 2 years total in combat zones). I switched to the active duty Army and retired with 26 years of total service. I have since had a career writing and producing Audiobooks under the pseudonym “Somerset Hamilton”. This year I attended both national low carb conferences (Breckenridge and San Diego) and summarized the presentation of every speaker. I play my piano at least an hour a day, play tennis 3-4 times per week minimum, hike frequently in local parks including 3 trips to the top of the Sandia Mountains overlooking Albuquerque with my daughter this summer (which is a minimum 7 mile, 4,500 ft vertical rise hike), work on old cars and motorcycles, and blog on health and nutrition topics among many other hobbies. At 67 years young all this activity is fueled by a high fat, moderate protein Zero Carb diet plus intermittent fasting. BornToEatMeat.com
paulsaladinomd What’s up guys?! Lots of new folks following recently so I thought I’d introduce myself again. I’m a classically trained MD, and was a physician assistant in cardiology prior to this. I returned to med school in 2011, after 4 years as a PA. Frustrated with the symptom focused and pharmaco-centric paradigm I was a part of, I eventually discovered functional medicine and ways of thinking aimed at “root cause medicine.”
During med school I really enjoyed internal medicine, and my dad is an internist (runs in the family I guess), but the human side of psychiatry really grabbed me. I enjoyed the narrative aspect of the work, and was struck by the human aspect of the poignant stories patients told me. For the last four years I’ve been at the University of Washington completing a residency in psychiatry, which I will finish this June.
Sadly, my experience in residency has been fairly similar to my experiences in med school, and as a PA. The mainstream paradigm remains symptom focused and pharmaceutical based. From atherosclerosis, to autoimmunity, to depression, the paradigm remains the same, and this is what I am a part of changing.
Interventions involving diet have been the some of the most powerful that I’ve discovered during my career in medicine. Of these, over the last year I’ve become fascinated with the carnivore diet and the myriad stories of people with mental health issues and autoimmunity improving on this diet. I’ve talked at length about this type of diet in podcasts, here, and on my YouTube channel, and I’ll not stop extolling it’s virtues any time soon! I’m extremely grateful to be at this point in my career, and excited for the future. Next is a move to San Diego with a private practice there, a book, and many other adventures. Thanks for being part of this journey!
We definitely need fruits and veggies for optimal antioxidant status, right? Wrong. Your thoughts @foundmyfitness? https://t.co/bz6yLpExGE
— Paul Saladino, MD (@MdSaladino) March 23, 2019
This is awesome! Lines up well with my own gut testing showing diverse gut bacteria on a zero-fiber carnivore diet. Who needs fiber! https://t.co/vAeDAD4dcK
— Paul Saladino, MD (@MdSaladino) February 12, 2019
Dr. Eric Sodicoff - https://twitter.com/ESodicoffMD/
Dr. Robert Pastore - https://twitter.com/RP5hydroxy
Dr. David Unwin - https://twitter.com/lowcarbGP
Robert Szabo - https://twitter.com/RobertSzabo4
Melbourne GP, founding partner of The Low Carb Clinic for the reversal of diabetes and obesity in a doctor + dietitian clinic setting. Melbourne, Victoria
Meat based diet provides the maximum nutrient density for health. I recommend a diet mainly consisting of whole food meat, poultry and fish - fat or skin included. Anything less will likely lead to deficiency. Meat heals. My personal experience aligns to this. https://t.co/Cg5Aknt81s
— Robert Szabo (@RobertSzabo4) March 23, 2019
Dentist with a focus on health through a meat-based diet, sleep, and fitness. Researcher, author, inventor of the NED Device. Founder/CEO at Meat Health LLC, Scriptis LLC, and NED LLC. Blog, “Notes to Self,” at: https://kevinstock.io
009: Dr. Bret Scher (@bschermd)- Low Carb Cardiologist on Carnivore and Complexities of our Health Systemhttps://t.co/kJiMVuSsE5
— The Carnivore Cast © (@CarnivoreCast) September 18, 2018
Dr. Christian Assad - https://twitter.com/ChristianAssad
Dr. Sara Place - https://twitter.com/drsplace
Professor Frank Mitloehner - https://twitter.com/GHGGuru
Professor Timothy Noakes - https://twitter.com/ProfTimNoakes
Professor Stuart Phillips - https://twitter.com/mackinprof
Dr. Cameron Sepah - https://Twitter.com/DrSepah
Dr. Ben Bikman - https://twitter.com/BenBikmanPhD
The #carnivore #diet is good enough for me and worth a try. I doubt it’s the optimal diet but i think it forms the basis for it https://t.co/zC4MMhTA44
— Raphi Sirt (@raphaels7) March 23, 2019
Listen to Bart Kay, carnivore diet advocate & former senior lecturer in clinical physiology, talk about reputable nutrition advice, common myths, and carnivore diet benefits.
I am a veterinarian who became interested in nutrition after we started getting remissions in diabetic cats with low carbohydrate diets.
Hello! My name is Nevada and I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself and why I started The PALEO Pharmacist LLC. After being diagnosed with what should have been a catastrophic life changing event, I chose to empower myself as a healthcare provider and patient implementing the most up to date nutrition and fitness science into my recovery. With the wealth of health information flooding the internet, I like many people struggled with where to start searching for quality resources & information and what to believe. Over the past 3 years, I read countless books, studies, research papers, and reached out to many experts on the cutting edge of the continuously evolving nutrition and fitness science. Many of them generously shared their knowledge, resources and invited me into their coaching groups. The overwhelming support I received was a critical factor in my recovery. It didn’t take long before my perspective and everything I believed about the standard of care began to change. Much of what we do in healthcare is a bandage over a larger issue, which is what is the root cause of chronic illness such as diabetes, cancer, hypertension, autoimmune conditions, obesity and the list goes on. With more and more patients becoming sicker and taxing an already over taxed healthcare system it is no surprise that people are looking for quality resources to improve their health. This is why I created The PALEO Pharmacist LLC, to become the number #1 patient resource site for quality health information based in science. Connecting people with the resources they need to be set up for success in transforming their health is one of my #1 priorities. In addition to publishing eBooks, I will also offer several affordable coaching support programs for those looking to learn more about how to properly and safely implement fitness and the ketogenic or carnivore diets in a way that works in any kind of lifestyle. My Blog will feature informative articles and interviews with leading experts that I hope will add value to you on your journey.
My Story:
My health and fitness journey started in my 20’s when I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and gained a substantial amount of weight. After reviewing what little research there was on the condition at the time, I started the Atkins Diet and found some success. As life would have it, college, work and other commitments got in the way and I fell off the wagon. Deciding to change my career at 30 years old from biotechnology and nursing to become a Doctor of Pharmacy only compounded my weight and health issues. After graduating pharmacy school in 2010, I was at my heaviest weight, weighing over 200 lbs and on the verge of a diabetes diagnosis. I felt uncomfortable in my own skin, was chronically exhausted and began to feel lethargic and depressed. Something had to change, so I joined a gym, hired a trainer and started a low carb PALEO diet, embracing the clean eating movement. I was able to successfully lose 50 pounds, but I was always hungry and killing myself at the gym. My body shape was thinner, but I lacked the muscle definition I was working so hard to sculpt. Failing to understand that the root of my problem was metabolic and not as simple as calories in/calories out was a barrier holding me back from my goals. In 2016, I herniated a disc in my lumbar spine that resulted in a rare neurological emergency called cauda equina syndrome (CES), that required emergency neurosurgery on the horsetail of my spinal cord. CES, being a partial peripheral nerve injury of the tangle of nerves at the end of spinal cord, caused a combination of sensory and motor issues from the waist down. Recovery was a long road, taking almost 2 years to correct muscle imbalances and regain full motor and sensory function in my legs and right foot. It was during my recovery that I started a ketogenic diet after reading that damaged nerves exhibit altered glucose metabolism. After finding great success on KETO for 2 years, I transitioned to a carnivore diet for 2018 with fantastic results, shredding fat, sculpting muscle, fully recovering from CES, curing PCOS, and even clearing up lifelong eczema. Today, at the time of this writing, I am 40 years old, pain & medication free, weighing in at 135 lbs and feeling the best mental and physical shape in my life. Learning that the root cause of obesity and chronic illness is a metabolic problem based on the food that we eat changed everything for me. In the Ketogenic & Carnivore Living Coaching Package, I will teach you how I got the results I did and how you can too! We will delve into the science and how to effectively apply it to your busy lifestyle in a way that works for you. Included in my programs is a sample 30 day meal plan and workout program to get you started. We will cover simple KETO, carnivore and fitness concepts that will make you a PRO in no time! With the support of The PALEO Pharmacist Ketogenic and Carnivore Living Facebook community, you can ask questions, hold yourself accountable and help others grow in their journey. While exercise is not required to be successful on a ketogenic diet, it is highly encouraged to do some form of daily movement that makes you feel good! So Let’s get started!!! I am so excited be a part of your health journey. Always feel free to send me a message of health topics and resources you would like to see featured. I am happy to create content and find resources that will benefit you and your loved ones.
Wishing Everyone Happy Holidays & A Very Joyous New Year!
Much Love,
Dr. Darren Schmidt - D.C. - https://twitter.com/realfoodcures
Dr. Steven Horwitz - D.C. - https://twitter.com/DrHorwitz
Dr. Jerome Craig - CFMP D.C. - https://twitter.com/DrJeromeDC
Nina Teicholz https://twitter.com/bigfatsurprise
Gary Taubes https://twitter.com/garytaubes
The Boulder Carnivore Conference took place in Boulder, CO on March 7, 2019